I asked everyone for stories or memories. Most have given me some personal stories that I have just reproduced below but there are some shared experiences that have come up. Hopefully these tales will give the celebrant a sense of the relationship Albert had with us all.
The Boxing Day Tea at Mum and Albert’s over many years was legendary. We would tease Albert about Mum supporting Marks and Spencer’s profits with the amount of food she bought. The table was groaning but there was always lots more ‘just in case’. There is always a lot of banter whenever the whole family gathered, which Albert enjoyed and always brought a smile to his face.
Barry and Pauline remember inviting Mum and Albert to share their box at the Royal Albert Hall for Classical Spectacular. They both enjoyed it so much they became regular attendees with them. Albert was always shocked when they produced the 3 litre wine box they had smuggled in wrapped as a birthday present. He did laugh but only drank Coke.
Barry and Pauline, Iain and Loraine and Colin and I remember chatting on the phone regularly over the last few years, as mentioned below a lot of the conversations were about various sports and ‘putting the world to rights’.
Iain, Stuart and Colin remember going with Albert to West Ham matches using Mum’s season ticket and have made some comments about the experiences below.
Iain always had a 10p bet with Albert every season on who would come top of the league and if West Ham or Tottenham would finish higher. He went to West Ham with him a couple of times. In his regular phone calls they would put the football world to rights regarding VAR and how much the game has changed
Colin enjoyed playing golf with Albert over a number of years but remembers one particular incident with a prank he played on the tee – Colin replaced Albert’s golf ball with a joke ball which exploded into a cloud of powder when he struck it. Luckily Albert found it funny but Colin was ready to run just in case. He also remembers going to West Ham matches when Manchester Utd were playing. On his very first visit he made the mistake of celebrating when Utd scored and Albert went very pale when a group of cabbies in the seats in front told him very clearly to sit down. Colin learnt his lesson after that.
Colin and I both also enjoyed chatting to Albert in later years and like everyone else remember conversations about football, cricket, golf and teasing him about Andy Murray as well as solving the country’s problems
Stuart remembers attending a West Ham match and being surprised when Albert asked if he wanted a beer as he knew Albert didn’t drink. He also remembers his Mum giving Albert a hard time when he made a small burn in the armchair when smoking his pipe
I hope this gives a sense of the respect and affection we all had for Albert as a family. He was much loved and will be missed enormously by many
Best wishes
Diane x